Our webinars aim to unlock new insights and elevate strategies in the settlement and integration sector in the Atlantic region. Webinars are great for continuously improving your skills! No need to commit to a multiple-day event or a few weeks of online training. You can gain valuable insights and enhance your daily skills in just one to one hour and a half. Want to add professional development to your regular schedule? Catch our upcoming webinars live, or watch the replays below!


Sight Loss Integration – Teacher Toolkit

In this webinar you will learn about the Sight Loss Integration Teacher Toolkit that helps newcomers with sight loss participate better in language learning.

Immigration Data 101

The webinar walks you through four databases that provide immigration-related data.

Tools to Support Internationally Educated Healthcare Professionals (IEHPs): A presentation by N4

This session, presented by N4, will provide an overview of the resources to ensure the settlement sector has the tools…

FA.I.R FOR ALL: AI’s impact on settlement & language learning

A webinar series dedicated to guiding and demonstrating the potential of AI in the settlement and integration sector.

GBA Plus: Practical Tools for SPOs

Learn about the tools you can use to enhance your organization’s GBA Plus capacity.

Cybersecurity & Data Protection

A two-part webinar series designed to raise awareness of privacy and data security principles.

What is SOPA?

Learn more about the Settlement Online Pre-Arrival (SOPA) program and how post-arrival services can work with SOPA.

Gender-based Analysis Plus Webinar Series

An overview of GBA Plus and the national settlement sector Enhancing GBA Plus Capacity project.

WESO: Tools to Evaluate Online and Hybrid Service Delivery

A presentation of the Wired: Evaluating Settlement Online (WESO) Toolkit – focusing on key areas for delivering settlement services.

Sharing Insights: The Lived Experience of Syrian Refugees in Canada

A presentation on the findings from a national study on the lived experiences of Syrian refugees who arrived in 2015-16.

IMDB Workshop

Information about the basic structure and contents of the Longitudinal Immigration Database (IMDB) and IMDB interactive maps.

A Respectful Workplace during COVID-19

A series of three webinars to help maintain respectful workplaces during COVID-19.

Mental Health in the Workplace

Learn about dealing with vicarious trauma and about effective workplace self-care practices.