Showing 21-40 of 99

Provincial Nominee Program: Recent trends and provincial differences in earnings outcomes

Garnett Picot, Eden Crossman, Feng Hou

Immigration and Economic Prosperity in Smaller Regions / Immigration et prospérité économique dans les petites régions

Ather Akbari, Howard Ramos, eds.

Immigration francophone en Acadie de l’Atlantique : cartographie des lieux de l’immigration

Christophe Traisnel, Josée Guignard Noël

Attirer, accueillir et retenir. La promotion, le recrutement et la rétention des nouveaux arrivants francophones en Atlantique

Christophe Traisnel, Guillaume Deschênes Thériault, Dominique Pépin-Filion, Josée Guignard Noël

Réussir la rencontre. Les francophones nés à l’étranger et installés au Canada atlantique : contexte, accès, expérience, représentations

Christophe Traisnel, Guillaume Deschênes-Thériault, Dominique Pépin-Filion, Josée Guignard Noël

The Association for New Canadians: Evolution of a language program

Barbara Lynn Mulcahy

The effect of COVID-19 on economic and social wellbeing of newcomers to Nova Scotia and their access to settlement services

Shadi Aljendi

Entering the workforce in Halifax : strategies and coping mechanisms among the African migrant community

Priscilla Armah

Le personnel enseignant immigrant francophone vivant en situation minoritaire : Comprendre et faciliter son parcours d’insertion professionnelle

Mariève Forest, Jessica Duvivier, Alexis Hieu Truong

French-speaking immigrant teachers living in Francophone minority communities: Understanding and facilitating their professional integration pathways

Mariève Forest, Jessica Duvivier, Alexis Hieu Truong

Insertion professionnelle dans le domaine de la santé des personnes immigrantes francophones vivant en situation minoritaire

The Temporary Foreign Worker Program and Employers in Labrador

Tony Fang, Halina Sapeha, Kerri Neil, Gabriel Williams, Opeyemi Januty-Aidamenbor, Troy Osmond

Attracting and Retaining Professionals in Labrador

Delores V. Mullings, Paul Banahene Adjei, Lesley A. Derraugh, Leo Taho

Employer Attitudes and the Hiring of Immigrants and International Students: Evidence from a Survey of Employers in Atlantic Canada

Tony Fang, Na Xiao, Jane Zhu, John Hartley

Immigrant retention in New Brunswick: Results from BizNet and Citizen Database

Philip Leonard, Ted McDonald, Pablo Miah

Analysis of unmatched immigrants in the BizNet Database

Philip Leonard, Ted McDonald, Pablo Miah

Immigrant Retention in New Brunswick: 2019 and 2020 Arrival Cohorts

Ted McDonald, Pablo Miah, Rawia Mokhtar

Parcours des travailleurs étrangers temporaires qualifiés d’expression française vers la résidence permanente : Provinces de l’Atlantique

Marie-Philippe Lemoine, Mariève Forest, Guillaume Deschênes-Thériault, Pascale Latulippe

Pathways to Permanent Residency for French-Speaking Skilled Temporary Foreign Workers – Atlantic Provinces

Marie-Philippe Lemoine, Mariève Forest, Guillaume Deschênes-Thériault, Pascale Latulippe

Temporary Foreign Workers in Prince Edward Island

Josie Baker