Découvrez les programmes, les événements et les rapports que nous menons pour faire progresser le secteur de l’établissement et de l’intégration au Canada atlantique.


Innover pour avoir un impact

Découvrez comment un programme innovant financé par IRCC a aidé les agences d’établissement à renforcer le sentiment d’appartenance des nouveaux arrivants et à intégrer de nouveaux outils et de nouvelles approches dans leur travail.

Enhancing National Sector Gender-Based Analysis Plus Capacity Project

The Enhancing National Sector Gender-Based Analysis Plus Capacity project brought together umbrella organizations from across Canada to identify and remedy…

AIP Settlement Support

ARAISA and IRCC created a site to help both Settlement and Integration service providers and employers navigate the Atlantic Immigration…

Migrant Worker Support Program

MWSP provides migrant workers in Nova Scotia, New Brunswick, and Prince Edward Island with accurate information, support, and access to…

Project Archive

Browse our archive of past projects and initiatives.

Our Events & Reports

An archive of projects and event summaries full of analysis and recommendations for settlement and integration sector in Atlantic Canada.

Working Groups

Our working groups aim to build connections, share knowledge and promising practices, and foster collaborative learning.