November 29, 2023
Integrating Gender-based Analysis (GBA) Plus into your Organization
This webinar provides an overview of GBA Plus and briefly discusses the national settlement sector Enhancing GBA Plus Capacity project. The session shows how GBA Plus can be meaningfully integrated into organizations’ policies and practices to ensure that the services and programming they provide to newcomers are equitable and inclusive. In addition to providing foundational knowledge of GBA Plus, this webinar provides guidance on developing an organizational EDI policy.
December 12, 2023
Integrating Gender-based Analysis Plus into your Funding Applications
Building on the first webinar, this session explores the importance of using a GBA Plus lens during the funding proposal submission process. It allows you to consider how you might incorporate an intersectional lens into your proposals for the 2024 Immigration, Refugees and Citizenship Canada call for proposals to ensure that the clients’ diverse needs are fully accounted for.

About the Presenter
Stephanie Redden
Stephanie Redden completed a Ph.D. in Political Science, with a specialization in Political Economy, at Carleton University. She then worked with the Canadian federal government, specializing in GBA Plus. Stephanie held the 2019 – 2020 Human Trafficking and Modern-Day Slavery Postdoctoral Fellowship at Yale University’s Gilder Lehrman Center for the Study of Slavery, Resistance, and Abolition. Her work has been published in several edited books and the International Feminist Journal of Politics and Globalizations. Stephanie is currently the Project Lead at the Atlantic Region Association of Immigrant Serving Agencies (ARAISA) for the Enhancing National GBA Plus Capacity project.