Organized by CYRRC, ISANS, and ARAISA, this workshop helped SPOs learn about the basic structure and contents of the Longitudinal Immigration Database (IMDB) and IMDB interactive maps, which allow organizations to customize data on retention and economic outcomes of refugees and other newcomers.

October 7, 2022
In this video, you’ll learn:
- How to produce tables and charts based on the publicly available IMDB data products
- What this information means in the context of program planning and evaluation
- What is the limitation of the IMDB, and who to contact for more information

About the Presenters
Yoko Yoshida, Western University
Yoko Yoshida is a sociologist whose research interests focus on applied social statistics in the areas of immigration, integration of immigrants, and social inequality in Canada. She is the former Academic Director of the Atlantic Research Data Centre and former Vice President of the Canadian Population Society.

Jonathan Amoyaw, Dalhousie University
Jonathan Amoyaw is a sociologist whose research interests intersect the areas of social inequality, integration, and health. He has experience working with Statistics Canada data, including the IMDB.