Discover how our one-year research project identified and helped address the employment needs of newcomer youth in Atlantic Canada.

The project consisted of the following activities:

  • Identification and engagement of an advisory committee to help guide the project began in April-June 2022;
  • An environmental scan of programs accessible to newcomer youth and programs specifically targeted to this demographic in the Atlantic Region began in July 2022; 
  • A Literature Review of existing research on newcomer youth and employment including other relevant material was conducted in July-August 2022;
  • Interviews with IRCC-funded service providers and other stakeholders offering employment-related programming to newcomer youth began in August 2022 and concluded in October 2022. In total, 15 people representing various settlement and non-settlement-related service providers were interviewed; 
  • A series of in-person and online focus groups involving eligible youth in all 4 provinces was conducted from October – December 2022. In total, nine focus groups were held with a total of 70 youth representing each of the four Atlantic provinces;
  • A final report comprising of research findings and proposed recommendations was published in May 2023.

Download the final report

The 5 Steps

What have the Youth said?

  • Learning “Soft Skills” is important
  • Program eligibility criteria can be an issue
  • Great need for collaboration between service providers and employers