Labour Market Performance of Immigrants in Atlantic Canada: A Sequence Analysis
Labour market integration of immigrants has been one of the significant agendas for policymakers in Atlantic Canada. The labour market performance of the immigrants plays a vital role in attracting and retaining immigrants. Using the Immigrants Longitudinal Database (IMDB) from 1982 onward, we examine the labour market performance of different cohorts and categories of immigrants in Atlantic Canada. We conduct the duration and sequence analysis of various labour market statuses and identify the length of different sequences, e.g., employed, unemployed, self-employed, and student. Our findings based on the longitudinal data reflect that the employed status is the most frequent sequence. To compare the labour market performance over time, we use four cohorts based on immigrants’ landing years 2001, 2006, 2011, and 2016, which are also census years. Along with the sequence analysis, we also employ multinomial logistic regression to estimate the socio-economic factors, e.g., immigrant category, sex, world area of birth, educational attainment, etc., that influence different labour market statuses and sequences for immigrants. The findings based on this study are expected to help the provinces in Atlantic Canada and similar locations to design effective labour market integration for immigrants.