November 21, 2024
Gender-based Analysis (GBA) Plus: Practical Tools for SPOs
This webinar provides an overview of the GBA Plus national bilingual resource guide, with a particular focus on two tools developed by ARAISA: a survey template to assess board diversity and a survey template to assess employee readiness to and capacity to integrate GBA Plus into their work. You will also hear from project partners who participated in a pilot program to enhance their organization’s GBA Plus capacity: the Association for New Canadians and the Saint John Newcomers Centre.
Download the presentation slides here.
Check out the resources mentioned in the webinar here!
About the Presenter
Stephanie Redden
Stephanie Redden completed a Ph.D. in Political Science, with a specialization in Political Economy, at Carleton University. She then worked with the Canadian federal government, specializing in GBA Plus. Stephanie held the 2019 – 2020 Human Trafficking and Modern-Day Slavery Postdoctoral Fellowship at Yale University’s Gilder Lehrman Center for the Study of Slavery, Resistance, and Abolition. Her work has been published in several edited books and the International Feminist Journal of Politics and Globalizations. Stephanie is currently the Project Lead at the Atlantic Region Association of Immigrant Serving Agencies (ARAISA) for the Enhancing National GBA Plus Capacity project.