Showing 1-20 of 30

Promise of Home: Un Modèle Narratif Pour Favoriser la Rétention des immigrants au Nouveau-Brunswick

Sophie M. Lavoie, Gül Çalışkan

Pays d’origine des immigrants au Canada atlantique

Association des agences au service des immigrants de la région atlantique (ARAISA)

Countries of Origin for Immigrants in Atlantic Canada

Atlantic Region Association of Immigrant Serving Agencies (ARAISA)

Live, Work, and Stay? Geographies of Immigrant Receptivity in Atlantic Canada’s Aspiring Gateways

Yolande Pottie-Sherman, Nelson Graham

At home in Canada: Iranian immigrants’ sense of belonging, homemaking practices, and racialized experiences in the Atlantic Provinces and Ontario

Foroogh Mohammadi

Spotlight on diversity, equity and inclusion in Atlantic Canada

Patrick Brannon, Hunter Powell

The Complexities of Structure and Agency: Social Networks among Canadian Immigrant Women

Catherine Holtmann

Understanding the settlement experiences of newcomer adult EAL students as they seek belonging within their new communities in urban New Brunswick

Andrea Maria Dias

Integration of Bhutanese-Nepalese refugees in the schools of Fredericton, New Brunswick

Nigam Khanal

Illusions of inclusion: a critical exploration of newcomer education in New Brunswick

Stacey Pineau

Constraints on Social Infrastructure Facing Newcomer Communities in Halifax

Jeffrey Biggar, J.A Veloso, Yolande Pottie-Sherman

Coptic Diaspora: Supporting Immigrants and Fostering Traditions

Sara Haroun

Employment Experiences, Precarity, and Belonging of Immigrant Youth in Halifax

Temitope Abiagom

Narrative City: Latin American Home-City Landscapes in Halifax, Nova Scotia

Manuel Cyrus Moncayo-Adams

The Capacity for Care: A Care Ethics Analysis of Immigration and Settlement Policies in Three Canadian Provinces

Leah Nicholson

Immigration and Economic Prosperity in Smaller Regions / Immigration et prospérité économique dans les petites régions

Ather Akbari, Howard Ramos, eds.

Immigration francophone en Acadie de l’Atlantique : cartographie des lieux de l’immigration

Christophe Traisnel, Josée Guignard Noël

Entering the workforce in Halifax : strategies and coping mechanisms among the African migrant community

Priscilla Armah

Networking, Belonging and Identity: Highly Skilled Turkish Immigrants in Halifax and Toronto

Serperi Beliz Sevgur

Creative Integration: Persian Bahá’í Newcomers in New Brunswick

Will C. van den Hoonaard, Deborah K. van den Hoonaard