Teaching Diversity: Helping Newcomer Students Adjust Academically

Year of Publication: 2018

Author: Mohammad Ali Bakhshi, Hua Que, Xuemei Li

Publication Source: The Morning Watch: Educational and Social Analysis

Journal Volume/Issue: Vol. 46 No. 1-2

Category: ,

DOI: https://journals.library.mun.ca/index.php/mwatch/article/view/2045

Language: English

The province’s five-year action plan to attract more immigrants into the province (Government of Newfoundland and Labrador, n.d.) indicates an increase in the number of newcomer students in our education system. Most of these students come from war-torn regions with diverse linguistic, cultural, and educational backgrounds. Many of them had been living in the refugee camps for years with limited or interrupted schooling, which makes it more challenging for educators to help them succeed in the school.