The Association for New Canadians: Evolution of a language program

Year of Publication: 2015

Author: Barbara Lynn Mulcahy

Publication Source: Canadian Journal for New Scholars in Education/ Revue Canadienne des jeunes chercheures et chercheurs en éducation

Journal Volume/Issue: Vol. 6 No. 2



Language: English

Keywords: Refugees, immigrants, Language instruction for newcomers to Canada, Association for New Canadians, Newfoundland and Labrador

This paper originates from a larger study that focused on the genesis and evolution of one settlement agency for immigrants and refugees in Newfoundland and Labrador. The purpose of the initial research was to explore the efforts of this organization to assist with settlement and integration. Research on immigrants and refugees in Canada has focused mainly on immigration, immigration policy and settlement sectors developments, with a dearth of studies on settlement service agencies. Three aspects of settlement were explored: language education, settlement services and labour market integration. This qualitative research used a case study methodology. The study provided information about and insight into an organization that has not been previously documented or fully recognized. It also forefronted considerations for the provision of ongoing and future programs and services. For the purposes of this inquiry only the provision of language education programs will be discussed.