Showing 1-20 of 29

Promise of Home: Un Modèle Narratif Pour Favoriser la Rétention des immigrants au Nouveau-Brunswick

Sophie M. Lavoie, Gül Çalışkan

Retention Opportunities and Challenges in Housing and Employment: The International Student Experience in the Cape Breton Regional Municipality in 2022-2023

Cape Breton Island Centre for Immigration

Immigrant Retention in New Brunswick: 2021 Arrival Cohorts

Ted McDonald, Pablo Miah

Immigration Policy and Less-Favoured Regions and Cities: Comparing Urban Atlantic Canada and the US Rust Belt

Yolande Pottie-Sherman

Variation provinciale des taux de rétention des immigrants, 2022

Statistics Canada

Provincial variation in the retention rates of immigrants, 2022

Statistics Canada

International graduate student retention: A study of international graduate/post graduate students in their 20s and 30s to identify the factors behind staying in or moving from Fredericton upon completion of their studies

Manju Gill

Home ownership as a means to retain immigrants in Atlantic Canada

Anu Thomas

Retention rate and labour market performance of movers & stayers in New Brunswick

Mehedee H. Siddiquee

Rétention des nouveaux arrivants au Canada atlantique

Association des agences au service des immigrants de la région atlantique (ARAISA)

Newcomer Retention in Atlantic Canada

Atlantic Region Association of Immigrant Serving Agencies (ARAISA)

Attirer, accueillir et retenir. La promotion, le recrutement et la rétention des nouveaux arrivants francophones en Atlantique

Christophe Traisnel, Guillaume Deschênes Thériault, Dominique Pépin-Filion, Josée Guignard Noël

Attracting and Retaining Professionals in Labrador

Delores V. Mullings, Paul Banahene Adjei, Lesley A. Derraugh, Leo Taho

Immigrant retention in New Brunswick: Results from BizNet and Citizen Database

Philip Leonard, Ted McDonald, Pablo Miah

Analysis of unmatched immigrants in the BizNet Database

Philip Leonard, Ted McDonald, Pablo Miah

Immigrant Retention in New Brunswick: 2019 and 2020 Arrival Cohorts

Ted McDonald, Pablo Miah, Rawia Mokhtar

Immigration in Nova Scotia: Who Comes, Who Stays, Who Leaves, and Why? (interim report)

Ather H. Akbari

Who Comes, Who Stays, Who Leaves Nova Scotia, and Why? (background report)

Ather H. Akbari

Immigration in Nova Scotia: Who Comes, Who Stays, Who Leaves and Why? (final report)

Ather H. Akbari

Individual and community-level determinants of retention of Anglophone and Francophone immigrants across Canada

Michael Haan, Jake Arbuckle, Elena Prokopenko