Showing 1-13 of 13

Évaluer les besoins des jeunes nouveaux.elles en matiére de services de programmes d’emploi au Canada atlantique

Association des agences au service des immigrants de la région atlantique (ARAISA)

Evaluating the Needs of Newcomer Youth in Atlantic Canadian Employment Programming Service Provision

Atlantic Region Association of Immigrant Serving Agencies (ARAISA)

Child Immigrant Post-Migration Mental Health: A Qualitative Inquiry into Caregivers’ Perspectives

Nahal Fakhari

Employment Experiences, Precarity, and Belonging of Immigrant Youth in Halifax

Temitope Abiagom

Just Kids? Peer Racism in a Predominantly White City

James Baker

Grade Level Placement for Refugee Students: Determining Appropriate Placement

Suzanne Fitzpatrick

Immigrant Youth Employability Program: Evaluation Research Report

Temitope Abiagom

Canada’s Policy Response to Refugee Young People from War-Affected Regions: The Case of Halifax, Nova Scotia

Emily Pelley

Surviving to Thriving: Post-secondary Education for Refugee Youth in Smaller Centres in Canada

Hua Que

Parental Support for Newcomer Children’s Education in a Smaller Centre

Xuemei Li, Antoinette Doyle, Maureen Lymburner, Needal Yasin Ghadi

Refugee Youth and Interrupted Schooling: Economic and Social Implications

Susan M Brigham, Howard Ramos, Nabiha Atallah, Olga Lyobenko, Sylvia Calatayud, Claire Brierley

Pathways of Youth with Refugee Experience in Nova Scotia

Ifeyinwa Mbakogu, Nabiha Atallah, Praise Mugisho, Emily Pelley, Tatiana Portelli-Graham, Marwa Kuri, Chana Wielinga, Lotanna Odiyi

Developing Skills, Building Relationships: The Social and Employment Outcomes of ISANS’ Immigrant Youth Employability Program

Catherine Bryan, Serperi Sevgur, Temitope Abiagom, Nabiha Atallah