To help our members and the sector in general, we have compiled on this page a few resources to support professionals in the sector.
We also invite front-line workers and management staff to join the conversation in the Current Events and Settlement Group on SettleNet.org (the national community of practice). There, you will be able to share resources and best practices with your peers across Canada.
Vaccine Information
- Vaccine Bulletins in over 10 languages, by Refugee613 (plain language information)
- Vaccine Lesson Plan for English Learners, by MANSO: PDF | PPT | Word
Recovery Planning
- WorkSafeBC Guidelines – Settlement and Integration Sector, AMSSA and WorkSafeBC
- From crisis to recovery, ARAISA presentation
- Re-opening & Recovery of New Brunswick – a Guide for Businesses and Organizations
- COVID-19 Recovery Planning, Community Sector Council of Nova Scotia
- Return to the workplace – A guide for employers, KPMG
- 5 Tips for Safely Reopening Your Office, Harvard Business Review
National Information
- Program delivery instructions
- Update on travel restrictions and exemptions, including specific updates for settlement and resettlement providers
- Guidance regarding costs related to the purchase of laptops, cellphones, and increased use of technology, due to the COVID-19 pandemic
- Questions and Answer for RAP Service Providers
- Questions and Answers for Service Providers
- iCARE: Covid-19 related questions
- List of essential and non-essential services
- The official ‘Minimizing the Risk of Exposure to COVID-19 Coronavirus Disease in Canada Order‘. It includes a list of non-applicable situations.
Regional and Provincial information
- Each Atlantic provincial government has a section dedicated to information on COVID-19 on their websites. They include useful local information.
- COVID-19 in Atlantic Canada – One Year Later: A Conversation with Chief Statistician Anil Arora. Watch the recording | Download the presentation
Multilingual resources on COVID-19
- The Public Health Agency of Canada COVID-19 fact sheets are available in multiple languages: About COVID-19 | How to quarantine | How to isolate | People who are at high risk
- Social distancing and best practices in plain language by the Government of Nova Scotia in English, French and Arabic
- The Alberta International Medical Graduate Association (AIMGA) created a COVID-19 HealthHub for Newcomers. It includes documents, podcasts, videos, webinars in numerous languages.
- Summary of COVID-19-related multilingual resources by the Public Health Agency of Canada
- A group of volunteers in Toronto created a website with information, specifically for the Ethiopian or Eritrean communities
- A Round-Up of Multilingual Resources on COVID-19 by the switchboard
- COVID-19: 24/7 parenting by WHO, Unicef, etc. Tips sheets available in 90 languages
- Talking points can help you communicate with your clients in their language: write in English and recipients receive the information in their own language. You can also check out the Newcomer.info tool
- The new Metropolis Social Determinants of Health network COVID-19 factsheets are available in Ukrainian and other languages.
Working with vulnerable populations
- The Calgary Catholic Immigration Society generously shared with the sector its Vulnerable Families Protocol around COVID-19
- Family violence and COVID-19, Decoda
Information on benefits (include multilingual resources)
- Benefits Finder, Government of Canada
- A professor at Carleton University created a guide explaining how one can make a financial aid request related to coronavirus. This information in plain language may help your clients.
- The Calgary Chinese Community Service Association created tutorial videos on how to apply for EI Sickness Benefits in English, Mandarin and Cantonese
Business Continuity Plan
- Flu and Infectious Disease Outbreaks – Business Continuity Plan, Canadian Centre for Occupational Health and Safety
- NPower’s Nonprofit Guide to Business Continuity and Disaster Recovery
- BDC’s Business continuity plan and templates for entrepreneurs (while this is not specifically meant for the nonprofit sector, some templates might be useful)
- Responding to COVID 19 – What Canadian NPO boards and management teams should know, pwc.
- Risk-informed decision-making guidelines for workplaces and businesses during the COVID-19 pandemic, Government of Canada
- Virtual AGM Facilitation Guide, Ontario Nonprofit Network
Info for employers
- The Employer’s COVID-19 Return to the Workplace Playbook, OSLER
- Federal Government Covid-19 Measures – Implications for Sector Organizations, Imagine Canada
- Guidance for Employers of Temporary Foreign Workers (TFWs) on COVID-19, Employment and Social Development Canada
- Tips for Completing Record of Employment Forms with respect to COVID-19
- How to Keep Employees Engaged While Working Remotely, SUMAC
COVID-19 & Mental Health
- How to Protect Your Mental Health When Working Remotely, According to a Psychologist, HubSpot
- YWell Virtual Health and Wellbeing: YMCA video series on how to take care of yourself
- Wellness Together Canada, ” free online resources, tools, apps and connections to trained volunteers and qualified mental health professionals when needed.”
- Multilingual guide: Living With Worry And Anxiety Amidst Global Uncertainty, Psychology Tools
- Government of Canada: COVID-19 and Mental Health @ Work
- Canadian Mental Health Association: 6 tips to respond to employee anxiety about COVID-19
- CAMH: Mental Health and the COVID-19 Pandemic
- Short videos by the Conference Board of Canada on Mental Health and COVID-19
- Tolerance for Uncertainty: A COVID-19 Workbook, Dr. Sachiko Nagasawa
- Coronavirus Sanity Guide, Ten Percent Happier
Working from home tips
The pandemic has forced most organizations to turn to remote work. This new reality has brought its own set of challenges, both for employers and staff. In some cases, and even though we seem to be on a recovery road, remote work is here to stay.
We created a dedicated page with many helpful resources on technology, security, general tips, etc. Visit the page
Is there anything else we can help you with?
Head back to the Resources menu and see what other resources we have available.